Hi, I'm

Hriday Paul

I'm a

I'm a passionate fullstack web developer from Bangladesh. As a web developer, my goal is to bring ideas to life through thoughtful and impactful web applications, creating memorable experiences for users.
Download Resumein
const AboutMe = {
  Name: "Hriday Chandra Paul",
  Role: "Web Developer",
  Age: 20,
  Gender: "Male",
  Address: "Nimshar, Cumilla, Bangladesh"
  Phone: "01892814892"
  Email: "hridoychandrapaul.10@gmail.com",
  Language: [
       "Bangla", "English"


Here are some of my skills in web development.

html logo
css logo
next js logo
Vercel logo

Work Experience

My all work Experience is here.


Software Developer (Internship)

Bdtask Limited

June 2024 - (running...)

Technology :

TailwindReactNext JsReduxPythonDjangoType script
  • Gaining experience with framework and tools such as React js, Next.js, Redux, TypeScript, and other relevant technologies.
  • Collaborating with senior developers to implement new features and optimize existing ones.
  • Integrated RESTful APIs and managed state using Redux and Context API.


Here are some of my best projects in web development.

project image
TailwindNext JsRedux queryJWTMysql


Developed a real-life web application to manage and streamline construction processes, from project planning to completion.

project image
TailwindReactType scriptReduxFirebaseExpressMongodb

Study Table

Crafted a web-based Study Table application simplifying academic organization and task management.

project image
TailwindNext JsNext AuthType ScriptFirebaseExpressMongodb

Diagnostic Center

Developed a user-friendly web based diagnostic center management system website for efficient appointment booking and result tracking.

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Chat Application

This chat application facilitates real-time communication through text, video, connecting users across various devices and platforms.

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Rich Text Editor

A Rich Text Editor application enables users to create and edit text with diverse formatting options.

project image

Online Shoping

Designed an intuitive online shopping website for seamless browsing, ordering, and checkout experiences.


My all education information is here.

polytechnic logo

Cumilla Polytechnic Institute, Cumilla

Computer Technology (CMT)

June 2020 - August 2024

Grade : 3.73 / 4

I'm currently studying a Diploma in Engineering in Computer Science. We have already covered basic data structures, algorithms, object-oriented see more
polytechnic logo

Nimsar High School, Cumilla

VI - X (science)

January 2015 - February 2020

Grade : 4.78 / 5

I completed my class 6 to 10 education at Nimsar High School, Nimsar, Cumilla. Where I studied science in class 9th and 10th.

Contact Me

Let's Talk

I'm currently available to take on new projects, so feel free to send ma a message about anything that you want me to work on. You can contact anytime.



Nimsar, Cumilla, Bangladesh